William Shatner wants you to take care of your hearing

William Shatner wants you to take care of your hearing

(BPT) – It’s the sweet sounds of your favorite music and your loved one’s voice. It’s the morning alarm nudging you awake or the car alerting you that it’s low on gas. It’s the oven buzzing that your food is done or the fire alarm blaring that dinner is overdone.

From cherished melodies to important alerts and life-saving alarms, your world is full of sound. However, as people age or have exposure to excessive noise, their hearing can start to deteriorate. Almost half of people in the United States over the age of 65 have some degree of hearing loss, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Despite how common hearing loss is, everyone experiences it differently, which is why professional hearing care is so important.

Treating individual hearing loss

“Your hearing is as unique as your fingerprint,” said Dr. Leslie Soiles, Chief Audiologist with HearingLife. “While you may be tempted to treat your hearing issues yourself, I highly recommend you see a professional to check for other medical concerns, to diagnose your specific hearing care needs, and provide professional guidance on your options.’

Getting checked by an expert is imperative to rule out any other issues that may be impacting your hearing before diagnosing you with hearing loss. This includes wax buildup, and infections or injuries that may require different types of treatment. To educate Americans about the importance of caring for their hearing and getting hearing tests, as well as pointing out ways to identify hearing loss in your loved ones, HearingLife has partnered with William Shatner to launch a campaign entitled ‘Live Life to Your Fullest.’

‘Proactive health habits are so important to living a long and healthy life. For me, especially as I struggled with tinnitus, taking care of my hearing has been a big part of living life to the fullest with my family and in my career, allowing me to enjoy every special moment,’ said actor William Shatner. ‘When I met with the audiologist from HearingLife and saw her dedication and commitment, it was truly inspiring. I realized the care that HearingLife provides can be life-changing for so many.’

Which hearing aid is right for you?

There are many things to consider when starting your hearing care journey. Since the types and causes of hearing loss are numerous, and without a proper hearing assessment and diagnosis, buying over the counter (OTC) hearing aids may not be the right choice for you.

“Seeing a licensed hearing care professional to assess your hearing and provide you with options that best suit your hearing needs, budget and lifestyle will enable you to hear to your full potential and get the most out of life,” said Dr. Soiles.

OTC hearing aids do provide access to hearing devices at a lower cost, however there are key challenges to self-diagnosing and buying these devices:

They do not require a hearing evaluation from a licensed professional to determine the degree and type of hearing loss, or if there is a medical concern that may need to be addressed by a physician. It is left to the individual to be the expert by self-diagnosing their hearing challenges and deciding which devices will best meet their needs. OTC offers little to no professional set up or adjustments for different sound experiences by licensed experts.

Unlike OTC, prescription hearing aids often include professional services to help you hear your best. For example, prescription hearing aids purchased from HearingLife that include an AfterCare program come with: complimentary annual hearing assessments, the services of a hearing care professional, fine-tuning, programming, fitting, troubleshooting, Bluetooth assistance, coaching and re-instruction, free non-rechargeable batteries and replacement domes and filters, and cleaning and maintenance for the life of the devices.’

If you’re confused by your options, HearingLife’s OnDemand expert team offers free consultations on the phone or through video chat. Visit HearingLife.com/OnDemand or call 866-YES-HEAR today to get help with your hearing loss and have your hearing aid questions answered.


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