5 ways to achieve your New Year’s resolution

5 ways to achieve your New Year’s resolution

(BPT) – Whether you want to lose weight, get in shape, read more or start playing guitar, there are thousands of New Year’s resolutions to pick from. For most people, though, their resolutions have to do with losing weight, exercising more or getting healthier. In fact, 69 percent of resolutions are about losing weight or staying healthy.

After all those cookies and belt-loosening meals of the holidays, it’s no wonder people want to get healthier.

Unfortunately, deciding on a resolution is the easy part; maintaining it is the challenge. But it’s not impossible. With the right resources and habits, there’s no reason you can’t realize your goal.

These five tips will help you do just that.

1. Set up a lot of smaller, incremental goals. In making our New Year’s resolutions, we can sometimes get a little ambitious. While it’s great to dream big, on a practical level, you need to figure out how to reach your target. Rather than have an enormous goal looming in front of you, think in terms of days or weeks. For instance, if you want to lose 25 pounds this year (which would be a significant and awesome accomplishment!) focus on losing two pounds a month. Breaking your goal into smaller increments can help you succeed in achieving that ambitious resolution.

2. Take advantage of perks. Did you know that your health insurance may have extra perks that give you an incentive to get healthier? Through the Blue365 health and wellness discount program, members of participating Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies have access to discounts on gym memberships, athletic gear, nutrition products, and vision and hearing products. To see if your BCBS company participates in this program, visit www.Blue365deals.com.

3. Make it a team effort. Instead of making your resolution an individual goal, team up with a friend or family member, and together, work toward a shared goal. Having someone to hold you accountable, who you are responsible to and who can motivate you, is huge. It creates a great dynamic and source of inspiration that can get you through those mental slouches. If you can’t find a resolution partner, be sure to tell people about what you’re doing and talk about your progress.

4. Enlist the aid of technology. You may have noticed there are a lot of people wearing thin bands around their wrists these days. These fitness trackers track your movements, monitor your heart rate, provide a record of your movements and more. They help you to hone in on your fitness goals and remind you when you need to move. If you’re ready for a fitness tracker, or need to upgrade your old one, the Blue365 health and wellness discount program offers discounts on these essential workout tools.

5. Be meticulous. Don’t be casual about your goals! Treat them like you would a project for work. Set up a schedule that you can follow and create specific, measurable goals. This might sound a bit rigid, but it will give you concrete steps to follow, and once you start seeing your progress, you’ll feel a new boost of energy.

You should be excited about your New Year’s resolution, and you should be excited about challenging yourself to see it through and to realize your goals. For tools and motivation to keep your efforts on track, visit www.Blue365deals.com and get ready to welcome 2018 with gusto!

About Blue Cross Blue Shield Association

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association is a national federation of 36 independent, community-based and locally operated Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies that collectively provide health care coverage for one in three Americans. BCBSA provides health care insights through The Health of America Report series and the national BCBS Health IndexSM. For more information on BCBSA and its member companies, please visit BCBS.com. We also encourage you to connect with us on Facebook, check out our videos on YouTube, follow us on Twitter and check out our blog.

Blue365 offers access to savings on health and wellness products and services and other items that may be purchased from Blue365 Vendors, which are different from covered benefits under your policy(ies) with your local Blue Company, its contracts with Medicare, or any other federally-funded healthcare program. To find out what is covered under your policy(ies), contact your Blue Company. The products and services described on Blue365’s website are neither offered nor guaranteed under your Blue Company’s contract with the Medicare program. In addition, these products and services are not subject to the Medicare appeals process. Any disputes regarding your insurance products and services may be subject to your Blue Company’s grievance process. BCBSA may receive payments from Blue365 Vendors. Neither BCBSA nor any Blue Company recommends, endorses, warrants, or guarantees any specific Blue365 Vendor’s product or service available through the Site.

*Note to Editors: Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies participating in Blue365 are in the following states: AZ, AR, DC, DE, FL, IL,IA, KS, LA, MA,MD, MI, MO, MT, NC, NE, NJ, NM, NY,OK, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, WV, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Federal Employee Program® also participates in Blue365.


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