Men’s Health Month in June: A time to take action

Men’s Health Month in June: A time to take action

(BPT) – The statistics for men’s health are alarming. For men, life expectancy is 76.3 years; for women, it’s 81.2 years. The Kaiser Family Foundation points out that nearly 71 percent of men are at risk of being overweight or obese, compared to 59 percent for women. Far more women than men are likely to go to a physician office visit, according to the Centers for Disease Control.

These statistics may be worrisome for men and their loved ones, but many of the health risks men face can be prevented by adopting a healthy lifestyle and getting recommended and timely preventive health screenings.

‘It’s important for men to take charge of their health,’ said Dr. Chad E. Bittner, a chief medical officer of OptumCare. “And there are a number of things men can do to get and stay healthy.”

Bittner offers the following tips to help men improve their health and well-being:

Physical activity: Regardless of gender, Bittner said he gives people the same general health advice, although men often need more reminders. One focus area for patients is physical activity. Regular physical activity can control weight, reduce risks of developing heart disease and some cancers, and can improve overall mental health and mood.

Nutrition: Another important priority is nutrition. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables every day, and limit foods and drinks high in sugar, salt, saturated fat and alcohol.

He points out other important reminders for men:

Sunscreen: Don’t overlook the importance of using sunscreen. Skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the United States.

Prescriptions: All patients need to work with their doctors to get a full understanding of the purpose and side effects of the prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs and supplements they take.

Depression: It’s important for men and those close to them to be aware of the warning signs for depression.

If you or the men in your life are not making positive health choices, now is the perfect time to take charge of your health.

More information is available at


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