Over 40? Three things to know about your vision

Over 40? Three things to know about your vision

(BPT) – Dinner menus, smartphones and computer screens are all things you encounter daily. But have you noticed that since turning 40, you’re having issues seeing them clearly? If you’ve found yourself holding the menu at arm’s distance, increasing your phone’s font size to read text messages, or taking more frequent breaks from the computer screen during the work day, you might be among millions of Americans with presbyopia.1

Now, you may say presby-what? It’s a complicated name for a common eye condition that means you have trouble focusing on things up-close. This condition is a natural part of aging and is much more common than you think – if you look around, you’ll likely notice it’s also happening to lots of your friends and family members.2

Like many people, you may not completely understand what’s happening with your vision at this age, but rest assured there’s help. Dr. Susan Resnick*, a New York-based optometrist, shares some information that can help you bring your eyesight back into focus after 40.

“For many, your vision might be the first thing to change once you reach 40,” said Resnick. “I often see patients who come into my practice in a panic because they notice they suddenly can’t read their phone or a book. Even if a patient has never had a vision issue before or if your vision has worsened in a short amount of time, presbyopia is a normal part of aging. There are options that can correct your vision and help you see clearly near and far.”

If you have presbyopia, you are not alone

More than 111 million Americans struggle to read or see up close after the age of 40, which is when presbyopia typically strikes.1 The bad news is that you can’t prevent presbyopia.1 The good news – you don’t have to accept blurry up-close vision or reading glasses as a fact of life. Advancements in eye care can provide solutions that fit your lifestyle, including Alcon DAILIES TOTAL1® Multifocal contact lenses, which can help you see seamlessly and clearly, up close and far away.3,4

You should read up on readers

Like most people, you might think the only option to address presbyopia is purchasing cheap reading glasses from the drugstore. However, while readers can be great in a pinch, they can also be cumbersome as a long-term solution to presbyopia. They often get lost, can break and are inconvenient to constantly put on and take off as you switch from seeing up close and looking further away. What’s more annoying than having to wear your readers on a chain around your neck, or getting them stuck in your hair as you flip them on top of your head?

Also, many people believe wearing readers can even make you feel older. In fact, an Alcon survey of people in their 40s and early 50s found that one-in-four adults think reading glasses can make someone look 10 years older. And, nearly 50 percent of those surveyed would avoid wearing readers if they knew it made them look older.5

Find freedom with contact lenses

Whether taking selfies, doing your favorite exercise or whipping up a recipe in the kitchen, multifocal contact lenses can free you from putting on and taking off your reading glasses, and give you the flexibility to see clearly at any distance.

“I usually recommend multifocal contact lenses, including Alcon DAILIES TOTAL1® Multifocal contact lenses, to my patients with presbyopia because they are designed to help you comfortably and seamlessly see near, far and everywhere in between. Most importantly, these contact lenses give you the freedom to lose your reading glasses,” explains Resnick.

The takeaway here? When it comes to seeing clearly up close, don’t be tethered to readers or let presbyopia make you give up on your fun and the activities you love.

To learn more about multifocal contact lenses, visit SeeNearAndFar.com.

Ask your eye care professional for complete wear, care and safety information. Rx only.

*Dr. Resnick is a paid consultant for Alcon.


[1] Market Scope, Global Presbyopia-Correcting Surgery Market Report, April 2012.

[2] American Optometric Association. Presbyopia. https://www.aoa.org/patients-and-public/eye-and-vision-problems/glossary-of-eye-and-vision-conditions/presbyopia. Accessed August 2018.

[3] All About Vision. Presbyopia. https://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/presbyopia.htm. Accessed August 2018.

[4] Alcon Data on File, 2016.

[5] Alcon Age Perception Impact Survey. 2015.


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