How to support your well-being during challenging times

How to support your well-being during challenging times

(BPT) – During difficult times like this past year, it’s more important than ever to safeguard your health and invest in your self-care. With the physical, mental, and emotional challenges everyone has been facing, it’s no surprise many people are rethinking their wellness routines. Implementing even small, healthy lifestyle changes over time can make a big difference in how you feel and perform each day.

Finding a trusted range of supplements that work for you can be a key part of your daily health routine. The wellness solutions from Vthrive The Vitamin Shoppe™ brand of products, offer premium vitamins, minerals, supplements and essential oils in clean formulas with the highest quality ingredients. Incorporated into a regimen of proper diet and exercise, good sleep habits, and mood-boosting activities, these high-potency wellness formulas can help you on your journey of lifelong wellness. When you’re feeling energetic and healthy, it’s so much easier to achieve your goals, no matter what challenges life throws at you during these unpredictable times.

Here are some important areas of your life to focus on, in order to stay moving forward on your wellness journey.

Get more restful, restorative sleep

According to the National Institutes of Health, the global pandemic has brought on an epidemic of sleep-related health issues. Chronic worry and anxiety do not lead to restful sleep, which is necessary for your overall health, energy, and mood. First, take a look at your ‘sleep hygiene’:

  • Turn off your phone and other electronics an hour before bed.
  • Be consistent about your sleeping routines.
  • Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages late in the day.

Also, consider supplements that can help with muscle relaxation, creating an environment conducive to restful sleep, such as Vthrive Relax and Restore. Containing clinically-studied KSM-66® organic Ashwagandha and Lemon Balm extract, this formula helps the body to support a healthy response to stress and promotes a sense of calm.

Enhance your mood

Face it, spending countless hours stuck at home over the past year has not been a terrific mood booster. It may be beneficial to shift some of your daily habits. Try one or more of these easy steps:

  • Get outside – Enjoy a bracing breath of fresh air and some Vitamin D from the sunshine, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
  • Change your tune – Listen to upbeat music to help lift your mood.
  • Stay hydrated – Lagging energy can be caused by mild dehydration, so sip on water throughout your day to stay alert and refreshed.

Another great way to boost your mood is by incorporating Vthrive Mood Balance into your daily routine. Containing clinically studied ingredients such as Sensoril® Ashwagandha Extract and PharmaGABA®, this supplement supports a healthy response to stress, enhances emotional well-being and helps to promote a positive mood throughout the day.

Support your immune system

With overall health top of mind right now, everyone is seeking ways to keep their immune system functioning at its best. Harvard Health Publishing recommends some practical steps to help your immune system stay strong, including:

  • Adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet.
  • Exercising regularly.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages only in moderation.
  • Doing whatever you can daily to help reduce your stress.

You can also try the Vthrive Bioactive Immune Multivitamin with Elderberry and NAC. These high potency vitamins are formulated with ingredients for immunity, energy, and stress support.

Boost your energy

Due to the pandemic, it’s no surprise that morale and energy levels have decreased for many people. Harvard Health Publishing recommends several natural tips to boost your energy daily, including:

  • Lighten your load – while working from home has been comfortable and convenient these past months, many people have reported that they’ve been overworking, which causes them to feel more fatigued than usual. Only take on what you can reasonably accomplish without burning out.
  • Exercise consistently – if you’re just getting into fitness, start off slow but work your way up to consistent exercise, which will make you feel better both mentally and physically. Consult your healthcare provider before beginning any exercise program.

Men who are beginning to increase their activity level can try incorporating Vthrive Ultimate Man T-Advanced into their daily routine. This is the most comprehensive and high-potency support formula available for men, expertly formulated to help support testosterone production, muscle strength, sexual health and energy, while also helping to manage stress.

Vthrive Advanced Nootropic Formula can be another beneficial supplement as you begin to get active again. This non-stimulant formula boosts alertness for up to five hours, helping you focus more intently and supporting cognitive function.

All of the steps outlined here can help you maintain, and even increase, your sense of health and well-being, even when times are challenging, as they are for many right now.

Visit for more information on vitamins, minerals, supplements and essential oils from Vthrive The Vitamin Shoppe brand. Each of these products is put through 320 rigorous quality assurance steps and verified by independent, third-party labs so you can feel confident they meet or exceed industry quality standards – and all of which will help you be your best self, however you define it.


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