Essential Tips for Staying Safe and Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Essential Tips for Staying Safe and Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As governments around the world begin to slowly ease restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, you may be wondering how you can navigate this next phase. Whether you plan to stay at home most of the time, or spend a little more time outdoors, it’s still very important to pay attention to the news and abide by public health recommendations. This collection of resources will help you make the safest decisions for yourself and your family as regulations change throughout the summer.

 The State of the Pandemic

 Find out how many active cases of COVID-19 are in your area to see how well your region is doing when it comes to flattening the curve. 

  • Get regular updates on COVID-19 cases worldwide with this virtual dashboard.
  • This interactive map of the United States informs users about confirmed COVID-19 cases by county.
  • Learn more about each state’s reopening plan with this complete guide.
  • Don’t be misled by inaccurate information; read up on these widespread myths about the pandemic.

 Travel Restrictions and Tips

 Traveling is difficult right now, but not all trips can be avoided. Here’s what to do if you have to hit the road. 

  • If you need to travel in the near future, keep track of changing regulations and border openings.
  • Is there a necessary flight on your agenda? These tips will keep you safe while you’re in the air.
  • Driving is the best way to travel during this pandemic, so check out these road trip planning guidelines for a safe journey.

 Dealing With Other Health Issues

 If you’re managing multiple health conditions on top of protecting yourself from COVID-19, these resources will address some of your concerns. 

  • If you have asthma, take special additional precautions to avoid catching COVID-19.
  • COVID-19 is especially dangerous for diabetics, so here’s how to prioritize your health and safety.
  • Struggling with mental health during this tough time? Consider virtual therapy.
  • Stay on the safe side and avoid germs at the grocery store by creating DIY cleaning products in your kitchen.

 Basic Hygiene Guidelines

 Finally, we can’t forget about maintaining straightforward hygiene protocols. Practicing good hygiene is the easiest way to stay healthy! 

  • Washing and sanitizing your hands when necessary can go a long way in terms of disease prevention.
  • Take extra care when deep cleaning your home by following these specific techniques to kill COVID-19.
  • Make sure your clothing doesn’t harbor the virus by adhering to these guidelines for doing laundry.
  • Considering paying $50 to $90 per hour for a professional cleaning service to disinfect and sanitize your house.

It may feel like life is slowly returning to normal where you live. But remember, just because people are venturing outdoors again doesn’t mean the virus has disappeared. If you take a little time each day to check the latest updates on the pandemic, you’ll be able to make smart choices in order to protect your health.

Photo via Pexels


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