Keeping your cool in a stressful industry

Keeping your cool in a stressful industry

(BPT) – Seeking tips on how to handle a stressful industry?

Ashley and Andy Williams of HGTV’s ‘Flip or Flop Fort Worth’ are well acquainted with stressful work. The two military veterans, who were stationed overseas in Baghdad, are now running a real estate business in Texas.

‘There are few things more demanding than the rigors and demands of the military, and there always seems to be more responsibilities than time or resources, but nonetheless, the job needs to get done,’ said Andy. ‘Those are the exact skills that we use in our current role as designers, real estate entrepreneurs, veteran advocates and parents.’

The Williamses offer the following tips, gained from their military background and real estate experience:

1) Start with supplies: ‘Most days in our family start early and end late,’ Ashley said. ‘The key to managing it all is like how we operated in the military – remaining organized, well-supplied and strategic. Whether we’re researching a new project, designing one of our completed homes or running around with the kids, we always ensure we are well-supplied with healthy snacks like almonds.’

2) Organization is optimal: ‘In addition to being well-supplied, organization is key. We take the time needed to make sure our kids have their taekwondo uniforms or sports gear packed (depending on which day of the week it is). We also properly coordinate our daily schedules,’ said Andy. ‘As our day-to-day is constantly changing, we must be prepared for the inevitable business opportunity or impromptu project demand. Whether it is a project manager or contractor calling for an on-the-spot decision, or a supplier texting us during our morning runs – flexibility and adaptability are requirements for staying on-schedule and keeping each real estate and design project on target and under budget.’

3) Strategic snacking: ‘Lastly, we must remain strategic in what we’re doing and where we’re placing our energy,’ Ashley said. ‘Being able to mentally focus on each decision and task, as well as having the physical energy to move at a frantic pace, is paramount. It’s not uncommon for us to leave a meeting in Dallas and have a call scheduled during our 40-minute drive to pick up the kids, and then on to the next event. During a day like that, which is most days, there is no stopping for lunch. This is where our weekly meal planning must be on point. It is also why in between calls in the car or waiting for our next appointment, we always make time to power up with almonds, which are a convenient, portable snack to have handy on-the-go.’

Efficiency and productivity are a way of life for Ashley and Andy. ‘It’s not just what we do – it is who we are,’ said Ashley. ‘It allows us to be successful, happy and continue to thrive in our fast-paced lives as parents and real estate entrepreneurs.’


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