4 reasons to plan your own funeral

4 reasons to plan your own funeral

(BPT) – At some point, most of us will need to make final arrangements for someone we will miss. Coupled with overpowering grief, making even the simplest decisions about a funeral or cremation service can be confusing and overwhelming, especially since those decisions often need to be made in the days immediately following a death. Occasionally, decisions are made in haste and leave loved ones feeling like they didn’t do enough to truly honor and celebrate a unique life.

By working with a funeral professional to plan your service ahead of time, you give your loved ones peace of mind and comfort, as well as remove a potential financial burden. Here are four reasons to plan your own funeral or cremation.

Your loved ones can focus on healing. When you pass, you will leave behind people who are deeply saddened by your absence. The days and weeks right after your passing will be emotionally difficult. Having all your arrangements in place and your final wishes documented will help relieve some of the stress involved in planning your memorial service and allow those who loved you most to concentrate on coming together and comforting one another.

It’s a good financial decision. The cost of living has increased over the years, and so has the cost of the average funeral. By planning ahead, you can lock in today’s pricing. A burial space in a beautiful, serene section of your local cemetery could increase in value before the time of your passing. When you pre-arrange your final arrangements that burial spot will remain the same price as it was when you bought it, protecting your loved ones against rising inflation.

You can plan almost every detail in advance. Prepaid funeral plans typically include almost every aspect of your final arrangements, from the services of the funeral director to the casket of your choosing to the venue you select and more. Often, you can even select flowers and mementos for family and friends. And, by documenting all of your wishes, your family will know to incorporate additional special touches, such as song selections, special readings or videos.

Your final wishes are recorded. Perhaps you would prefer a small, intimate memorial service, but your loved ones envisioned a flashy, expensive send-off. Planning final wishes ahead of time takes the guesswork out of the equation and could alleviate feelings of guilt your loved ones might have down the road if they second-guess their decisions about your memorial service. Instead, they will take solace in knowing that your final arrangements were ‘exactly what mom wanted.’

To learn more about the benefits of planning a funeral, cremation or final resting place ahead of time, or to find a provider close to you for more information, visit DignityMemorial.com.


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